Wednesday, 31 October 2012

3Com 4250 Password Reset

I post this in case it may help someone in the situation I found myself in, not being able to log in to a 3Com 4250T switch. I found the answer on a website, however the answer was incomplete and required some post answer implementation work to get the switch password reset.

I would have liked to post my additional steps against the original post, however I was greated with the following response from the site: "This comment has been deleted by WP Hashcash" which was disapointing.

Once you have done the reset using the recover/recover, pull the plug, you will need to connect via null modem cable or telnet to set a new password. The web front end will not let you in with just the username admin.

The default IP of the switch will be with subnet mask
I used PuTTY for a telnet session and was presented with the following:

*** Password Recovery Mode ***
Enter the new password for the admin user:
Re-enter the new password:
The Password Recovery feature is enabled.
Enter new value (enable,disable)[enable]:

I did not enter a password and just pressed enter 3 times for the default blank password and to leave the recovery mode still enabled.